I've seen this said before and I've posted about it myself, but it's never been more true for me than now! I've made my livelihood primarily on Etsy since 2011, that's when I literally "quit my day job" and made jewelry for a living. Since October of last year my exposure and income on Etsy has been slashed by more than half due to multitudes of changes and experiments implemented behind the scenes and completely out of my control! Out of necessity comes great change, so here I am reinventing myself once again and hoping to make a go of it independently! I'm not looking for pity, I'm simply asking just that we all seriously consider getting back to a culture of pride and handcrafted goods and away from mass produced health affecting junk used/worn for a short time and tossed in the trash!
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Why I've been so absent...
Trigger warning! - This is an emotional post/update about where I am emotionally and where my current future plans are taking me/us (this post is more of a journal entry and it's kind of heavy).
I don't know who this will reach and I'm not sure where to start so here goes...
If you are unsure of your ring size I offer inexpensive reusable sizing bands. You can also visit a reputable local jewelry store and ask to be sized.